Disclaimer - International Modern Hospital


  • By continuing to browse and use this website you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern International Modern Hospital’s relationship with you with regards to this website.
  • This website is designed to offer general information that educates users about the programs and services that may be available through our hospitals.
  • At no point of time should it be considered a substitute for medical advice or treatment by a licensed practitioner. The website is not intended to provide medical advice, nor should the information be used to attempt to determine the presence, absence or severity of any illness or medical condition which may be perceived or experienced by the user of this site. If you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 998 for Ambulance (or your local medical emergency number) or seek immediate care from the nearest hospital Emergency Room.
  • The website is meant to create awareness regarding healthcare by providing information about various diseases, symptoms and cure. We have tried to provide updated and accurate information as far as possible, however the website or the hospital cannot be held responsible for the authenticity of the information provided